Palm Tree Depot

Palm Tree Depot designed the Sabal palmetto in North Carolina.

Few Facts that you should know about Palm Trees

The palm tree, also considered as the image of tropical paradise, is of greatest importance. There are many people who think that these plants grow in beaches, but no these sturdy plants grow in various places. There are many surprising facts about these plants that you may not know. So, below given are a few facts about palm trees in Carolina.


  • More than twenty five hundred species of palm trees

These plants belong to the Araceae family of plants which are found in the entire world.

  • They  grow differently

These evergreen plants are found in various forms like shrubs, trees, vines, etc.

  • Comprises of two different types of leaves

Palm trees possess two various types of leaves. The first one is the palmate and the second one is pinnate. The palmate grows in bunches, whereas the pinnate grows like feathers on the side of the stem.

  • Essential religious symbols

In the Bible, it is written that the people have greeted triumphant Jesus a week before he died and thus the Sunday before the week of Easter is called as Palm Sunday. Palms are also mentioned in the Qurans several times.

  • Products of palm trees

Coconut is not only the product of the Palm trees, but also the dates, betel nuts, etc. also come from palm. Even from the fruit, oil is extracted which is known as palm oil.

  • Grows best in USDA zones 8-10

Neither you have to live in Florida or at any other place to use palm trees, these plants grows in every environment and thus makes beautiful landscapes no matter where you live.


  • National tree

These trees are considered to be the national tree of Columbia.

  • Size of the seeds

The seeds of these plants are 20 inches in diameter and are 66 pounds in weight.

  • Uses of the palm tree

Palm branches are used as a symbol of victory and are given to the triumph champions in earlier days. These plants are also used to prepare wines known as kallu in Asia and Africa.

Above given are few facts that you may not know about palm trees. Would you like to opt for palm tree. If yes, then contact Palm Tree Depot. It offers an in house transportation dept. It offers palm trees in Carolina at an affordable price. If you want to place order, place it here at